Pre-game 2 people play football on the field. Voice1: Car! (The two people move aside and the car drives by) Voice1: Game On! (They start playing again) Voice1: Banana! (Same Gag) Game On! Voice1: Scramble Band! Voice2: What? Announcer: It's the Award Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision? Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review Unlimited! Formation: Pac-Man Announcer: The Movie "Showgirls" Openned last friday, starring former "Saved by the Bell" star Elizabeth Berkly. Former Co-star Screech, not to be outdone, will be releasing a movie of his own . . . "The Packwood Diaries" Music: Everybody's Everything Formation: 59 Announcer: (during scramling)Please Stand by while the Pep Band installs Pep Band 95 Oops! maybe we should have made sure this one worked before releasing it to the public. Music: Think Formation: Grail Announcer: While removing the Astroturf from Scott Stadium, the Athletic department made some amazing discoveries: $777 in spare change, Jimmy Hoffa, The Holy Grail, and hey, My TV remote, thanks guys! [rha ra stuff deleted] Wake Forest, September 30, 1995 Half Time Announcer: (in extremely mellow voice) This week the band will attempt something innovative! That's right, its the New, kinder gentler pep band with its first ever baton and dance corps. So please welcome The Award Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision? Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review, Unlimited (Band Skips out onto field and into formation while the theme from the smurfs is playing over the PA) Formation: Heart Music: Joy to the World (Managers do Baton schtuff during song. throw batons in the air and then duck for cover, fight with each other etc.) Formation: Bomb Announcer: The Pep Band has intercepted secret Republican documents. however, we were extremely puzzeled to discover two blank pages. Party insiders have since informed us that these are the new Republican environmental and social agendas. Music: Live and Let Die! (Managers do Rockettes style high kick line dance thing while the band plays) Announcer: The Pep Band would now like to do a tribute to the movie "Waterworld". (bomb explodes) fuse of bomb goes to bomb and an explosion is played over the PA at which point the band scrambles outwards for about 20 yards and then runs off the field Flash! This will end your Pep Band 95 Session. (windows chime over PA to disperse band instead of the gun) Formation: arches in the endzone Music: Cav Song!