In cooperation with the UVa Athletic Department and Orsgrove Productions, the Pep Band now presents: THE UNCENSORED SHOW Evangelist rants and raves about the evils of the pep band... blah, blah, blah, etc. Announcer: Look! Down there in the amphitheater! It's a nerd! It's a pain! Right! It's SUPER Brother JIM! Yes Super Jim, faster than you can say "Paranoid Schizophrenic", able to leap entire trains of thought in a single bound. More powerful than the mysterious blue liquid used in diaper commercials. Yes, Super Brother Jim, who, with his ever faithful companion, the Pat Woman, wages a never ending battle against the hallucinogenic drugs which have permanently altered his mind. ...And now as the twentieth anniversary of the Pep Band rapidly approaches, scholars have asked Super Jim: "How was the Pep Band created?" Evangelist: On the Eighth Day, God created the Pep Band under the influence of a thunderous hangover. (other reasons why the Pep Band is here) Ann: Of course, he's wrong. Despite what the scientific and religious communities are willing to admit [cue], the Pep Band wasn't created in the blue skies of Heaven; it wasn't created in the fiery depths of Hell! It was in fact conceived in the back seat of the amphitheater. IT'S THE AWARD-WINNING VIRGINIA FIGHTING CAVALIER INDOOR/OUTDOOR PRECISION MARCHING PEP BAND AND CHOWDER SOCIETY REVUE, UNLIMITED!!!!!! (NOW TRULY UNLIMITED) (America the Beautiful in the background) Over 19 years ago, a few daring students formed together and witnessed the success of scramble style bands at other fine Virginia caliber institutions: Harvard, Yale, Rice and Stanford. These pioneers saw the opportunity to create a tradition at the University... A tradition that still stands today. This was the conception of the Virginia Pep Band. (America climaxes. and Mandy too) For fifteen years the band played at every event. It became famous for halftime performances that left audiences laughing, crying, hissing, and throwing fruit. The Virginia Pep Band touched the heart and soul (and that's not all they touched) of every Wahoo and fan that ever graced the stands. But alas... all was not well... (Angry chord!!!!!!!!) In 1986, things started to change. After a particularly rough reception from West Virginia, the Athletic department instated the Review Board to advise the band on the contents of its shows. The board was to advise, but soon it came to revise. The jokes were slashed and the formations were axed. The band was left without its strongest weapon: poisnonous farts, oh, I mean, gas, oh, I mean, the joke. So today we'll show you our other side... our DARK side... We'll look at the school and the world like never before: Today there are No Holds Barred. Music: Runaway We now take you back to November 2, 1985. The place is West Virginia: FAMILY FEUD: And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for everyone's favorite game show, the Family Feud. We'd like to introduce tonight's two teams: representing the University of West Virginia, it's the Hatfields; and their opponents, representing the spirit and tradition of the University of Virginia, the Fenwicks. Now to begin our game. Put your hands on your buzzers and get ready for our first question: Name something you associate with the state of West Virginia. HATFIELD: Mountaineers MC: And the survey's the number one answer. Would you like to play or pass? HATFIELD: Maw says we'll play MC: (gives Maw a quick peck) Well, Maw, what do you associate with the state of West Virginia? MAW: Fine education MC: And the survey says...(band sounds a hearty beep) MC: Well, Uncle Jeb, what do you think? UNCLE JEB: Why, all the women-folks are big on birth control. MC: Do we have... Birth Control? (second beep) MC: It's up to you Cousin Zak. What do you associate with the state of West Virginia? Zak: Uhh, indoor plumbing? MC: Indoor plumbing...(third beep) MC: Okay, Fenwicks, this is your chance to steal. Give me something associated with the state of West Virginia. BIFF: Okay, we've got an answer. This will sound tres tacky but ... beastiality. Music: Jailhouse Rock!!! Let's get some reaction from the crowd... I've seen better bands on a cigar. ha! ha! ha! SEX: PBS recently produced and aired an educational piece that graphically diagrammed and explained sexual intercourse. It was geared for children six and up. Because the athletic department deemed it too explicit for football audiences, we were unable to present this feature for you until today. Music: The Stripper Disneyland Sources announced today that Cinderella has been relieved of her duties in the Magic Kingdom. When questioned why, officials responded that Cinderella was caught sitting on Pinochio's face begging, "Tell me lies, baby, tell me lies!" Music: Mickey Mouse FLASH: Go Go Gadget Penis... Schwing!!! (cue Inspector Gadget with slinky penis, GO ERIC!) The Pep Band anxiously awaits the trial outcome of the Navy Sonar instructor who was dishonorably discharged on the grounds of his sexual preference. Funny, but we thought he actually ENJOYED being dishonorably discharged. Music: The Love Boat Bash Gyno-Americans: In appointing his former campaign financier to the board of visitors, Governor L. Douglas Wilder has been criticized for taking a "You pat my back, I'll pat yours" attitude with such an important position! Hmmm, we thought he'd be tired of taking Pat on the back. Music: Centerfold In recognition of meritorious community service, University Board of Visitors member, Patricia Kluge is to receive an honorary diploma. Albemarle High School plans to hold the ceremony sometime next month. Music: Good ol' Song (maybe?) (cue graduation skit) Animal lovers are concerned to hear about the Clintons having a cat in Washington. They feel that the animal's history of independent thinking, sneaky behavior, and willingness to claw others' eyes out makes it inappropriate for the White House. But then again, where else could Hillary live? Music: Mustang Sally Flash: Don't just take English lit, take all your classes lit! Are you ready for some Frisbee dog action? Watch them run, watch them fetch, watch them jump on command, they'll do most anything for a pet on the head. That's right folks, it's sorority rush! Don't miss it. Music: Rugby Road Boxing Fans! We hope everyone enjoyed the exciting heavyweight title fight between Evander Holyfield and Riddick Bowe in Las Vegas last night. For those who missed out, it will be reshown tonight at 2 a.m. on the corner at Littlejohn's. Music: 25 or 6 to 4 Hey! English department chairs! Why did you deny tenure to those two female faculty members?! Sorry, but they just wouldn't put out... uh, any published material, that is. (Band: OUCH!!!!) J. Danforth Quayle--Senator, Vice President, Curiosity of Nature. Plug him in, turn him on--what will he say next? --"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." (Band yells, dum!) (in 2001 style) --"What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is." (dum!!) --"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy--but that could change." (dum!!!) --"I want to be Robin to Bush's Batman." (dum!, dum!!!) --"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things." (dum, dum, dum, dum....) Let's go back to the crowd--I haven't heard music like this since I was trapped in an elevator for three weeks and had to eat my own legs to survive. The Virgin General cautions that the following item is not a joke, not a fact, but a flat-out insult! Recent studies show that the sky is blue, grass is green, water is wet, and student council is nothing but a group of self stroking politicos who don't even have enough power or authority to pick their own noses. (nah, nah, nah) When the Cavs had a 5-0 record, we were betting that we'd be headed toward another bowl game. Guess we WELSHed on that one. Music: Cav Song One last comment from the peanut gallery--If this band was architecture, they'd put it in the New College! President elect Bill Clinton has promised to change our country into a more beautiful place. The Pep Band suggests he start by having Al Gore's daughters provide beauty tips to Chelsea! Music: Hey, Baby! In response to recent (and totally unfounded) claims that the Pep Band promotes the abuse of alcoholic beverages, we have declared next week as Hangover Awareness Week. Music: Joy to the World Flash: If cheerleaders at the University of Florida drink GATORade, do Florida State cheerleaders drink Seminole fluid? Top ranking Virginia Tech officials announced this week that the graduating class of 1993 will receive diplomas printed on genuine sheepskin. Students, however, will be required to provide their own sheep. Music: I Can't Turn You Loose In preparation for next week's trip down to Blacksburg for the Tek game, the Pep Band has been boning up on their favorite pick up lines: --So, do you graze here often? --I can shuck an ear of corn in three seconds flat--with my tongue. --Hey Jim Bob, let's go pick up some babes. Sure thing, Billy Jo, but your family reunion or mine? --Get in the truck, bitch. Music: Gimme Some Lovin' Evangelist runs out: I told you they were evil... 1992 Orsgrove Productions, Inc, a subsidary of Shows R Us. All rights reserved. Have a nice day!