UNC [sucks] Halftime Show 10/28/00

Announcer: Do you think that all of the candidates lack personality? Tired of all the bickering? Do you want credit for your *own* inventions? Well, that candidate is finally here! On election day, cast your write-in ballot for... the Award-Winning Virginia Electoral Cavalier Pep Band!

Announcer: Halloween is just around the corner, and the movie studios are busy releasing their latest hits. However, we found some movies that just didn't make the cut this year:
- Scary Movie 2: Still not funny, or scary!
- Suburban Legends
and, Nightmare on Rugby Road: No More Mixers!

Play: Thriller

FLASH: Hey, did you hear about that new Pirate Movie? It's rated AAAAARRRRRR!!

Announcer: With the election fast approaching, many people still don't know who to vote for - the Pep Band suggests that instead of voting for any major candidate, you write in the New York Yankees - they're always a guaranteed win!

Play: A-Team

Announcer: Once again the Virginia Film festival has rolled into town bringing all the stars of Hollywood here to UVa. Everything has gone great so far, but Dining Services did have difficulty when Anthony Hopkins requested that his sky box be catered with "...a Human Liver, Fava Beans, and a nice bottle of Chianti"

Play: Can't Turn You Loose

Off field

Written by Andy "Grover" Smith (SARC '01), et al.