Scramble Show
(late August 2000)
Ann: Dear Mom, Pep Band Camp is fun! I've learned to play frolf, learned to
chug a beer, met a few lesbians, and met a few guys who are still drunk from
last year's Banquet Party.
But most importantly, Mom, I must confess that I've been smoking
The Award-Winning
Virginia Fighting Cavalier...
Scramble to: Boobies (two cirlces - Abbe & Amy are the
The Virginia Pep Band offers a comprehensive 37-point check up
program for first
years which includes, but is not limited to: breathalizer tests, flexibility
exercises, gag reflex suppression, snake choking, mammograms, and testicular
cancer checks! All of these services are free of charge to any first year at
your local Pep Band office.
Play: Centerfold
FLASH! After the first practice, Billy Bob First Year was interviewed about
his new experiences. When asked, "Which do you prefer, Astroturf or grass?"
he replied, "I dunno, I've never smoked astroturf!"
Scramble to: GOLD
Don't worry, first years, the Pep band can joke about things other than sex
and alcohol... For instance, what is better than winning the Gold
Medal at the
Special Olympics?
Not being retarded! D'oh, sorry guys.
The Pep Band would like to publicly apologize for that last joke. On a side
note, Congratulations on your victory, Lamar!
Play: ESPN
FLASH! We're all going to hell!
Scramble to: Campfire (flame with cross as "sticks")
Dear Mom, the rats and bugs at O-Hill taste horrible, but there is unlimited
rice and fish!
Johann keeps walking around naked. Oh well, hopefully I'll get voted off the
first year island soon.
Play: Hot, Hot, Hot!
Off field...
Written by Andy "Grover" Smith (SARC '01), et al.