Pep Band Show - NC State
Oct. 2, 1982  1:30 pm DST
(Pep Band in Endzone, plays opening measure of "James Bond Theme")

Ann:  Pep Band Productions Inc. is proud to present James Band, Agent 000, in Ian Fleming's classic, "For Your Ears Only".

(Trombones play repetitive beat of the Jame's Bond Theme as James Band and girl walk out to the 50 yd. line.  As dialogue starts, band sneaks out behind them.)

Agent XXX:  Please stay, James.

J. Band:  I really can't, Agent XXX, something big has come up.

Agent XXX:  Oh dear, James, will you ever be back?

J. Band:  Possibly, but I think my life is in danger at this very moment, I think I'm being followed.

Agent XXX:  By whom?

J. Band:  I don't know (Band turns and shoots Pep Band -- Pep Band plays sour note which dies out as they fall to the ground) ... but I think it's the AWVUVaFCI/OP(?)MPB&CSR,U!!!!


Formation:  000
Song:  Full Score of "James Bond Theme"


Formation:  UVA ==> USA

Ann:  The Pep Band did not bring you the pregame program today without their own set of conditions.  At 6 minutes before the half, negotiations between the Band and the owners will begin.  If no settlement is reached, the Band will officially be on strike and will not perform at halftime.

Song:  SSB

Ann:  Ladies and Gentlemen, Pep Band Owners are pleased to announce that the Pep Band as you know it will not perform at today's halftime.  Like their NFL brethren, the UVa Pep Band has made their demands, which include purplr uniforms and scores of Tahitian Dancing Girls.  And so, for you halftime entertainment, the management presents the AWVUVaFCI/OP(?)M SCAB PB&CSR,U!!!!  Watch now as the band forms the popular union label.

Formation:  Block
Song:  Look fo the Union Label


Ann:  In the spirit of good sportsmanship, we are sure every true Wahoo will join us in a salute to the Pack.  (Band steps into "6") ... You really didn't think we meant the Wolfpack, did you?

Formation:  6 (one step off)
Music:  Here Comes the King

Ann:  And now for an audience participation joke.  Would everyone please respond appropriately?  Ready ...  Knock, Knock.
Aud:  Who's there?
Ann:  Wa
Aud: Wa who?
Ann: (Stupid laugh.  Band puts down instruments and starts walking off the field)  Alright band, come back.  I promise, no more stupid Knock Knock jokes.


Ann:  Pep Band admissions experts are proud to announce that the average SAT score for the University's incoming class is an outstanding 1200.  Admissions directors at NC State are also exstatic with their scores, claiming that there average score is only one less than ours.  Band ... Take off that one.

Formation:  1200 ==> 200
Song:  Muppet Theme


Ann:  In a continuing effort to band state Trade schools which attempt to immitate UVa, the Pep Band asks the audience to please join us as we play tribute to the VA Tech of the South.

Formation:  NCS
Music:  Nothing Could Be Finer

Ann:  Would the owner of a brown wallet containing $565 please form two lines outside the press box?

(Band runs off field)