NCSU Pregame
Announcer: Dear Mom & Dad, my first semester has gone
well. I've
avoided the "first year fifteen" and my midterms would be alright except that
right behind me in class sits... the Award Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier
Pep Band!
Announcer: Recently, proposals have been made to split the College
into two separate schools: The College of Arts and the College of
Crafts, thereby
eliminating any confusion between the two. Other suggested separations were
the College of "Gut"s and the College of "Everything Other Than
Symphonic Masterworks".
Form: CLAS
Announcer: In other news, Clemons Library is now open 24 hours a
day. Following
in the same suit, Bodo's Bagels on the Corner announced that they
will be permanently
closed 24 hours a day to better serve students' needs.
Form: OPEN
Off field.
NCSU Halftime Show
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a long battle trying to
decide on a president, but it's finally over. Without further
adieu, we'd like
to present the next President of the United States... the
Award-Winning Virginia
Pep Band!
[soon after; as band runs onto field]
FLASH: We would like to retract that statement. The Pep Band is not the next
president - it's too close to call.
[band walks back toward endzone]
FLASH: We're sorry, we'd like to retract the previous retraction - It's the
Award-Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Presidential Pep Band!
Form: PRES
MUSIC: Think
Form: butterfly
Announcer: Florida seemed to have some problems with its election
ballots. Here
now is the infamous "butterfly ballot" in question. Apparently,
people had problems
deciding between left wing or right wing candidates!
MUSIC: Impression
Announcer: And now, we'd like to extend our congratulations to this
year's graduating
Fourth-Year Class. Please feel free to sing along as our own Fourth
Years walk
down the lawn:
[names of Fourth Years listed]
Good luck everybody - have fun in the real world!
Form: Lawn (two lines, rotunda)
MUSIC: Good Old Song
Off field.
Written by Andy "Grover" Smith (SARC '01), et al.