pregame Announcer: When I bite into a York Peppermint pattie, I get the cool tingly sensation of being trampled by The Award Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review Unlimited!!!! Form: Smile Music: Johnny Be Good BANG!!! Form: WHO Announcer: The Pep Band would like you to help with a group participation joke Ok, are you Ready Ann: Knock Knock Bnd: Who's There? Ann: Wa Bnd: Wa Who? Ann: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (band walks away in disgust) Ann: Okay, I promise, no more knock knock jokes BANG!!! (band scrambles into formation) Form: WHO Music: Cav Song BANG!!! Announcer: We were going to make a joke about the construction projects on grounds and throughout Charlottesville, but unfortunately, we just couldn't get it finished. Sooo . . . join with the pep band as they play a rousing rendition of Rock and Roll! Form: UVA Song: Rock and Roll Georgia Tech 95 Halftime Announcer: And now we bring you a half time fairytale . . . Once upon a time there was an environmentally conscious young girl named little green riding hood. Little Greeen Riding Hood was on her way to the lawn to visit the trees and give each one a great big hug. As she was walking through Scott Stadium, she was attacked by a wolf. (wolf attacks little riding hood) Can't you see that the situation is desparate! Won't anybody help? Its the Award Winning Bike Crashing Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review Unlimited to the rescue. (Band attacks girl) No, the Wolf, you idiots, the Wolf. (Band lines up next to wolf and one member gives him a vest and shakes his hand) BANG!!!! (band scrambles into formation) Music: Jailhouse Person 1: Oh boy, the Olympics. I want to watch the high jump. Person 2: I want to watch skeet shooting. Person 3: Let's watch both. Announcer: Can your band do this? (Two managers hold a pole. One manager has a gun and shoots everyone who highjumps over it) Form: Bullseye Music: Runnaway! Flash! For course enrollments please press 1. for instant gratification please press 2. To continue the show, please fire the gun BANG! Announcer: A new demonstration Sport will make its debut at the olympics next summer in Atlanta. It will be held on. . . (in deep monster truck announcer voice) SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY. ITS THE MONSTER TRUCK OLYMPIC EXRTAVAGANZA! Form: 4 x 4 Music: Can't Turn You Loose BANG!!! Announcer: The Pep Band would like to take this opportunity to answer that all important question that has plagued first years over the past two weeks . . . Where's Cabell Hall? Form: Arrow pointing to Cabell Hall Music: Gimme Some Lovin BANG!!! Announcer: The Pep Band would like to apologize for any eratic formations, but were having trouble playing on grass.