Ga Tek, The Pregame (Band goes to four corners of the field) OK fans, we've got a great new cheer for you... (Band fragments enter as their name is called) Food! Clothing! Shelter! Pep Band! Now it's time for our new outrageous pregame contest, Beat the Pep Band and Win a Prize!!!!!!! This week, we give one of YOU a helmet, a sack of potatoes, and a chance to penetrate the Pep Band Wall of Death and win free tuition. Now, would you all please give it up for this week's lucky contestant... Orville Armstrong! Music: "Monday Night Football" Formation: Square BANG! In a recent Gallup poll of college students, our very own University Journal topped the charts as the best paper in the nation. Also receiving high marks were Charmin, White Cloud, and Saniwipe. (Band tosses toilet paper) Music: "Wipeout" Formation: Toilet paper roll BANG!! Ladies and gentlemen, would you please rise for the national anthem.... Music: SSB Formation: UVA to USA BANG!!! and off the field... Ga Tek, the Halftime (There are ten "bowling pins" at midfield. Band forms "bowling ball" near the end zone. Ball rolls onto field and crashes into the pins) Band forms: CRPA And now for today's Pep Band-Preparation-H Halftime Challenge: Can you unscramble these letters before we do to find out what kind of food is served at O-Hill? (drum roll, form CARP) That's right, you guessed it... hearty CARP... and that's just one of ARA's many enticing entrees. BANG!!!! Band forms: SPIS With one Jumbo Jumble under your belt, we offer you this colossal cryptic creation as a suggestion for what you may want to take the next time you consume your favorite beverage... (drum roll, Band forms SIPS)... Remember, if you are going to drink, take small SIPS and make it last. Music: Rugby Road BANG!!!!! FLASH: Beef... it just makes you feel good. BANG!!!!!! You've seen us streak the lawn! You've seen us triplecast! Now, drop your jaws as the Pep Band's own piccolo section spans the Pep Band Canyon in the world's first ever attempted horizontal bungee jump. Music: Hawaii 5-O Formation: Pep Band Canyon of Death BANG!!!!!!! Formation: Concert V Music: Centerfold Please disperse... (Band stops) PLEASE disperse. You are violating the Charlottesville noise ordinance. Please disperse... thank you. (Band disperses off the field)