Florida State Pregame Show Person: Hey guys, you need tickets? Announcer: Tickets? We don't need no stinking tickets, We're the Award Winning Ticket Scalping Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review Unlimited! Announcer: Iraqi elections were held recently and Sadam Hussein won in a landslide. Those voters polled responded that they wanted a strong leader who was not afraid to use violence to achieve his ends. Oddly enough, second place in the election went to the gun toting Chanello's Pizza driver Form: 20c Song: Jailhouse Rock Announcer: The Pep band noticed that both of tonight's mascots have been known to ride horses while at their home stadium. The Pep band seized this once a year opportunity to bring you the first ever mascot jousting! Form: Coliseum Bleachers. (concentric arches) Song: Children of Sanchez (while band plays Sanchez, a cav and a seminole, both riding sticks with horse heads gallop towards each other, the cav with a lance and the Seminole with a spear, and joust. Around the end of the song the cav should win and then stand victorious with his foot on the chest of the seminole.) Announcer: In a showing of solidarity with the three women protesters who walked topless down the lawn two weeks ago, the pep band will perform this next song topless. (Band takes off hats) Form: stay in the same formation and just take off hats Song: Stripper Announcer: In honor of tonight's half time entertainment, the truly amazing Marine Corp. Silent drill team, the pep Band would like to perform is own award winning precision drill. Form: Precision Drill (mangers hold up signs with the letters ACME in the handle) Song: Broadway (trombone guillotine for drill bit) The Pep Band has never been above sucking up to the networks to get air time, so suck up with the Pep Band as the Cavs get ready to Crush the Florida State Seminoles on national television. Form: Same Formations, but the letters ACME turn over and spell ESPN Music: ESPN Sportcenter theme (that's right, TV slut attempt)