The Dook Game, October 14, 1995


A recent Survey found that Most UVA students lie to their
parents.  A crack team of pep band investigators have uncovered
some of these lies.Rugby Road?  Why I spend every Friday and
Saturday night in the library.  No way mom, I've never touched
a drop. Don't worry mom, I'll stay away from The Award Winning
Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision Marching
Pep Band and Chowder Society Review Unlimited!!!

Form:  DOH
Song:  Love Boat


Recently the french ambassador to New Zealand objected to
people referring to nuclear testing as testing bombs.  he is
quoted as saying "I do not like this word 'bomb' it is not a
bomb, it is a device which is exploding" The pep band
wholeheartedly agrees.  In fact, we don't like the word bomb,
it's not a bomb, its a joke that exploded in our face.

Form: Mushroom Cloud
Song: Live and Let Die


Ross Perot has announced the formation of a new political
party.  The Pep band will now form the symbol for Ross Perot's
new Whining Rich Guy Party.

Form:  Band forms Mickey Mouse ears on the field

After formation is visible:

Apparently this symbol has sparked a Battle between Ross Perot
and Walt Disney over Trademark violations

Mickey Mouse and Ross Perot fight in middle of formation

Song:  Band Plays Techno 3 times through

Announcer:  at end of playing: (in low voice) "Finish Him!"

Mickey "finishes off" Perot


Mom:  Come on Jimmy, its for your own good.
Announcer:  No mom, please don't make me watch the Award
Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outoor Precision
Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review Unlimited!!!

Form:  Happy Cloud
Song:  UVA Yes


"Many of us in the University community were disheartened to
learn of Bob Ross' passing away this summer.  As you know, Mr.
Ross was the dedicated artist from the "Joy of Painting" show.
The Pep Band now takes you to the auditions PBS has been
holding to find his replacement . . "

Bald guy stands at easel:

" Dick Vital:"
"It's unbelievable! He crosses the brush to the left hand!  Dips into
the Van Dyke Brown and paints. . . for a tree!  Tree-feckta! From way out
in the woods!  Unbelievable bay-bee!"

Buisnessman quickly steps up to easel and shoves away bald guy

" Next, Ross Perot"
"Now look . . . this gap by the log cabin;  it's sad.  It's just sad.
Now paint yourself a happy tree right there."

without moving, ie. staying in the same formation.
Song:  Lets Go Hoos House Style 4 times


while running off the field

This show was brought to you by Advil The perfect medicine for
those headaches you get the morning after . .er. . staying up
all night studying for that midterm.