bIll AnD MArY:  PReGAMe

In recent weeks many of you out there have expressed the
opinion that the Pep Band doesn't deserve to be on THIS
field.  But just think, it could be a lot worse--the Pep
Band could be in your bed:

Dad:  What should we read tonight, son?  With Halloween
  coming on, how about something a little scary?
  (the band is sneaking up on the bed from the end zone)
Kid:  OK... but I'm a really scared of evil monsters...
  Oh no, Daddy, what's that rising up from underneath the
Dad:  Gadzooks, Its the really scary Award Winning, end zone
  running, "Watch those Wahoos score", low stepping, Clemson
  Bashing, O-hill munching, Slade Worshipping, "Hi Review
  Board... Schwinnng!", Tribe fighting, Cavalier loving,
  football punting, "We love you Terri!", Interior/Exterior
  Precision (and I do mean Precision!) Cav Song tooting, Elvis
  stomping, Marching Pep Band and "Lets eat some Chowder"
  Society Revue, Unchained, Unfettered, and of course,
(during this the band does a "gang" end zone run)

To show their genuine respect for native American culture,
all Tribe football players have agreed to undergo the
traditional O-Kee-Pa initiation rite.  This harrowing ordeal
involves isolation... torture... starvation... and...
today's game against the University of Virginia.
(Band members mock act out the ordeals)

Formation:  UVA
Song:  Cav Song

The Pep Band would now like to characterize the William and
Mary six game winning streak...
Hmmm... looks like a large iron skillet
(Band forms skillet)
Hmmmm... there's an exhibitionist...
(band member in trench coat pseudo-flashes the formation)
Oh, now I get it!  It's a flash in the pan!

Song:  Live and Let Die (fast part)

And now a word from our sponsors:  With the fall home
improvement season upon us, the Power Tool Institute of
America would now like to offer a few tips on how to safely
use your all important power tools.
(America the Beautiful in background)

1.  Know your power tool.  Learn the tool's applications,
limitations, and potential hazards.

2.  Ground all tools unless double-insulated.  If tool is
equipped with three-prong plug, it should be plugged into a
three hole receptacle.  Never remove third prong.

3.  Wear proper apparel.  Avoid loose clothing or jewelry
that can get caught in moving parts.

4.  Secure work.  Use clamps or vise to hold work;  this
frees both hands to operate tool.

5.  Don't force the tool.  Do not exceed the capacity for
which it was designed.

6.  Use the right tool.  Don't force a small tool to do the
job of a heavy-duty tool.

We at the Power Tool Institute hope these tips ensure many
hours of enjoyment for you and your tool.  Thank you!

Formation:  the precision drill
Song:  On Broadway

(as the Pep Band exits, the following is read...)
The Pep Band... Coming soon to a bed near you.

                 bIll AND MARY HAlFTIME FUN

(Two guys at midfield on lawn chairs with cans of coke)
The other day the Pep Band was just sitting around with
a few dozen cases of Milwaukee's Best thinking:  It just
doesn't get any better than this...
     Band lies around drinking their favorite beverage.
     "But when the Bonnycastle bikini team showed up with
Domino's pizza, things got a little better.
     A number of Band men in bikinis show up with Domino's
pizza and beach balls.
     "And when 20,000 Virginia ladies with their Virginia
Gentlemen stopped by, it got a lot better.
     Band toasts crowd.
     And when the Cavs beat the heck out of W & M on the
football field, things were absolutely RIPPIN'... Its the
Award-Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor/Outdoor
Precision(?) Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Revue,

(Band faces Alumni)
The show writers for the Pep Band have just realized that we
have neglected our Alumni in past shows.  We have yet to
face them, to play to them, to coddle them.  So now, on this
day of homecoming, we would like to play for you one of our
favorite songs while showing you our better side.  (Band
turns and plays)
Formation:  HI!
Song:  Hey, Baby!

Recently, the Pep Band discovered new historical documents
that detail Mr. Jefferson's original penalty for honor
violations.  UVA students, consider yourself lucky with mere
expulsion.  Jefferson's original punishment was a fate worse
than death--a four year scholarship to the college of
William & Mary.
Formation: W + M
Song:  5 measures of Jailhouse Rock

Flash:  Woah, that last offensive line was even weaker than
William & Mary's.
       (now play the rest...)

Who will YOU vote for?  Democrat or Republican?  Ross Perot,
maybe?  Mmmmmm, maybe not.  But, hey, the Pep Band has found
their own candidate.  Although ours is obviously lacking in
political experience, his strengths include deep insight,
keen vision, and a knack for avoiding sticky situations.  So
when you go behind the curtain, make sure you cast your vote
for the Monroe Hill Peeping Tom.
Formation:  A face
Song:  Stripper

Finally, we would like to present a list of all the fun and
interesting things to do while in Williamsburg... (Band
shrugs and leaves field)